BNN Interview – The Dangers of Timing the Market

BNN Interview – The Dangers of Timing the Market

Today, I had an interesting discussion with BNN’s Paul Bagnell. We talked about why it is easier to buy U.S. stocks over Canadian stocks currently, the upcoming OPEC meeting, and the dangers of timing the market. Click the following links to watch: OPEC Meeting...
Newstalk 1010 Ask The Experts – With Allan Small

Newstalk 1010 Ask The Experts – With Allan Small

This past Saturday, I spoke with Iain Grant on the Ask The Experts show. LISTEN TO THE SHOW > We spoke about: How small business owners can make their excess cash work for them Market Volatility – Potential investment speed bumps to look out for in the coming...
What The US Election Means For Canadian Markets

What The US Election Means For Canadian Markets

On the day after the US election, Canadian markets reacted wildly to the results.  I had the opportunity to share what I think the election results mean for Canadian investors and markets in the short term, and our dollar in the long term. Global News Interview...

Financial Post – Small Business Digest Article

This October, I spoke with Denise Deveau of the Financial Post to discuss how “Your Surplus Cash Could Be Helping You Grow The Wealth of Your Business”. We spoke about how those lucky businesses that have excess cash in hand may not be working it to their...
Investing In Your Corporation

Investing In Your Corporation

With no immediate end in sight to record-low interest rates, it’s time to think seriously about how to put your excess cash to work and build wealth effectively. For example, if you are an entrepreneur or professional and have incorporated your business, did you...
BNN Interview – Canadian Banks Still Offer Value

BNN Interview – Canadian Banks Still Offer Value

Yesterday, I discussed with Paul Bagnell at BNN why I think Canadian banks still offer value to investors in Canada. While the housing market and energy losses are a concern at the banks, I still believe our largest Canadian Banks can be a great investment for the...
The Allan Small Difference

The Allan Small Difference

Two years ago, PwC published a study on small and mid-size businesses providing financial advice in Canada. The report revealed there were about 80,000 financial advisors working in this segment, which accounted for $19 billion in GDP and 180,000 jobs. These are big...