Investing in the time of COVID-19

Investing in the time of COVID-19

If 2008 taught investors anything, it’s this: The market will always climb back regardless of how far it has fallen. Those investors who were able to separate fear and emotion from their decision making during the global financial crisis and stayed invested enjoyed a...
The Coronavirus: No Need To Panic

The Coronavirus: No Need To Panic

Investors are living through perhaps the fastest sell-off of stocks in history. Since mid-February, markets dropped significantly as negative coronavirus news developed and governments wrestled with the situation. As of March 12th, the Dow Jones Industrial average had...
Good Job On The U.S.-China Trade Deal, Mr. President

Good Job On The U.S.-China Trade Deal, Mr. President

He did it. About 18 months after imposing tariffs on China and triggering a trade war, President Trump and his team negotiated a truce. On January 15, 2020, China’s vice-premier joined the U.S. president at the White House to sign what they are calling “phase one” of...
Goodbye 2019, And Thank You

Goodbye 2019, And Thank You

Here’s a statement that may surprise you: 2019 was a great year to be invested in the markets. It’s understandable if you are scratching your head. The noisiest pundits had investors worried about slow growth and recession. President Trump’s reignition of a trade war...
Why Do We Want To Penalize Success Stories?

Why Do We Want To Penalize Success Stories?

As part of her platform in her run for the Democratic nomination, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has proposed breaking up tech giants Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google. Her plan involves passing legislation that would designate platforms with more than $25 billion in...
Year End Recap 2018

Year End Recap 2018

2018 has been one heck of a ride for investors, with the first part of the year taking us to ever greater heights only to see the fall plunge us back to ground zero wiping out double digit gains. In fact, this year’s big swings in the stock market are at their highest...
Relax. The Best Times Often Follow The Worst!

Relax. The Best Times Often Follow The Worst!

Is your head spinning? You’re not alone. It’s been a tumultuous six weeks for the markets, with U.S. gains for the year wiped out1 on November 20. Tech stocks, which make up a good chunk of Wall Street’s main indexes the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the NASDAQ,...
When Stocks & Stock Markets Fall

When Stocks & Stock Markets Fall

In late September 2018, the markets were at record highs. By late October, they dropped 10% and entered, at least as of writing, correction territory. During this same period, United States Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rose at an annualized rate of 3.5% in the...